So, I believe that what you need is the following: Public Sub SetMiles(vehicle As String) You can also use the following: Dim wb = ExcelFile.Load(File) To write into those sheets you can use the following: Dim wb = ExcelFile.Load(File) In other words, let's say you have an Excel file which has "Sheet1" and "Sheet2". Office Convert DOCX file to HTML file in C# Convert HTML from Word (DOCX) document in C# and VB.NET with iDiTect.Converter component.In GemBox.Spreadsheet you don't need to set the sheet as active in order to use it.
#Gembox excel pdf#
Programmatically convert MS Word DOCX files to PDF in C# Online C# Tutorial for Converting Word to PDF (.pdf) Document. Search text in PDF using C# use Find feature to locate specific text. How to Convert PDF to Image (JPG or PNG) In C# a C# example to convert PDF page to images, contains jpg, png, tiff, multi-page tiff. NET converting html to pdf, easy to use, thread safe. NET Document component can doWe provide powerful & profession document & image controls: Mail merge fields in word document through C# you can define a structure for the document and decorate the it with dynamic text. Select the second column in the range var columnInRange = range.Column(2) Select C3:E5 as a range var range = worksheet.Range( "C3:E5") Worksheet.Cell(row, column).Value = row + "-" + column Add some data to cells for ( int row = 1 row < 10 row++)įor ( int column = 1 column < 10 column++)
#Gembox excel code#
= ExcelColor.Orange įull code for editing Excel Row/Column in Range using C# var workbook = new Workbook() Get single row by row id var row1 = worksheet.Row(1) Get single column by column id var columnG = worksheet.Column(7) Get single column by column name var columnA = worksheet.Column( "A") Ĭ = ExcelColor.Red Ĭ = ExcelColor.Blue Ĭ = ExcelColor.Cadet Ĭ = ExcelColor.Dandelion ĬolumnIJ_LM. = ExcelColor.Ecru Full code for editing Excel spreadsheet Row and Column in C# public static void Modif圜olumns()
#Gembox excel full#
View full C# code for modifying Row/Column in Excel Range. Single target column and all columns are both supported to use this method. = ExcelColor.Blue Ĭall AutoFitContents() method to resize the selected columns to their content. Modify selected row and column's style, like text alignment, font, border, etc. Select the second row in the range var rowInRange = range.Row(2) How to Edit Column/Row in Range using C# languageĮxcel cell, range, row and column are the basic elements in the spreadsheet. View full C# code for modifying Row and Column in Excel spreadsheet. Support to modify single row height and multiple rows' height. Support to modify single column width and multiple columns' width. Insert 2 rows above current row (row 7) var insertedRow = worksheet.Row(7).InsertRowsAbove(2) Insert 2 columns after current column (column G) var insertedColumn = columnG.InsertColumnsAfter(2) Then select row or column by id for further use. Rows/Columns inserting before target row/column is available. Get spread rows by row id var row78_1011 = worksheet.Rows( "7:8,10:11") Ĭall the InsertRowsAbove()/InsertRowsBelow() and InsertColumnsBefore()/InsertColumnsAfter() methods to create single or multiple lines row and column to spreadsheet. Get contiguous rows by row id var row56 = worksheet.Rows( "5:6") Get contiguous rows by start/end row id var row24 = worksheet.Rows(2, 4) Select single/contiguous/spread rows by row id. Get spread columns by column name var columnIJ_LM = worksheet.Columns( "I:J,L:M") Get contiguous columns by column id var columnGH = worksheet.Columns( "7:8") Get contiguous columns by column name var columnEF = worksheet.Columns( "E:F") Get contiguous columns by start/end columnd id var columnBD = worksheet.Columns(2, 4) Get single column by column name var columnA = worksheet.Column( "A") Select single/contiguous/spread columns by column id or column name. Support to get single or multiple lines row and column. Get and select Rows / Columns in Worksheet IDiTect.Excel provides rows and columns manipulation in worksheet. How to Edit Spreadsheet Row and Column in C# language In most time, the API and property in Row and Column class can be interchangeable. Row and column in the Excel is very similar, which is a collection of cells. How to Manipulate Excel Row and Column in C#.NET Code